Muon tomography of the Physics Department of the University of Coimbra
The LouMu is the first project of muography in Portugal, more particularly of transmission muography. It
has employed an RPC muon telescope to perform the imaging of a building, the Physics Department of the
University of Coimbra, and of a geological structure, the Lousal mine. Regarding the muon tomography of
the former, data analysis was already carried out to obtain 2D transmission maps that compare well with
simulation and efforts are being made to use these maps to reconstruct 3D images of the University build-
ing. In this work, three image reconstruction methods are applied: back-projection, analytical inversion,
and iterative reconstruction. While the first two were not successful given the muon telescope’s spatial res-
olution and given the type of structures encompassed when imaging a building, the iterative method has
led to promising results in simulation and is, now, being applied to real data acquired at the University.
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