Plans for Muography of Samail Ophiolite
Oceanic lithosphere cycling produces critical resources for the economy and governs the occurrence of various natural hazards from earthquakes to volcanic eruptions. Only a small portion of the shallow oceanic lithosphere is explored. The physical nature and geological meaning of the upper and lower crust boundaries and Mohoroviˇci´c discontinuity (Moho) between the oceanic crust and mantle are poorly understood. Direct observations of oceanic crust were conducted in two oceanic drilling holes; however, the Moho has not yet been reached. Former Moho transition zones are exposed on land in numerous ophiolites around the world; thus, the ophiolites are a very important clue to understand the correlation between ocean crust-mantle structure and geology. The Samail Ophiolite is the most promising analogue for oceanic lithosphere. We plan to conduct muography of the Samail Ophiolite to understand the density stratification of the oceanic crust to the mantle, which regulates the geological structure of the oceanic crust to mantle. We discuss the scientific background, the simulation studies, and the design of the muographic surveys.

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