Using Micromegas Detectors for Direct Dark Matter Searches: Challenges and Perspectives
Gaseous Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) with Micromegas pixelated readouts are being used in dark
matter searches and other rare-event searches, due to their potential in terms of low background levels, energy and spatial resolution, gain, and operational stability. Moreover, these detectors can provide
precious features, such as topological information, allowing for event directionality and powerful signalbackground discrimination. The Micromegas technology of the microbulk type is particularly suited to
low-background applications and is being exploited by detectors for CAST and IAXO (solar axions) and
TREX-DM (low-mass WIMPs) experiments. Challenges for the future include reducing intrinsic background levels, reaching lower energy detection levels, and technical issues such as robustness of the detector, new design choices, novel gas mixtures and operation points, scaling up to larger detector sizes,
handling large readout granularity, etc. We report on the status and prospects of the development ongoing in the context of IAXO and TREX-DM experiments, pointing to promising perspectives for the use of
Micromegas detectors in direct dark matter searches.
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