Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science <p>Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science (JAIS) is a new peer-reviewed open access journal specialized in advanced instrumentation both for experimental research in basic science and for technological developments and applications in different environmental and bioengineering fields. JAIS aims to span over a large variety of items, from new generation of gas and silicon detectors for particle and astroparticle physics to innovative sensors for environmental monitoring and medical diagnostic, also with laser driven technologies. Since the important role in the instrumentation development is related to the readout electronics and data processing, JAIS also intends to offer its platform to review frontier achievements in the area of microelectronics and machine learning algorithms. The goal is to provide the community of physicists and engineers involved in the above mentioned fields with a platform to publish informative summaries of important findings.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services en-US Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science 2753-3352 <p>Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science (JAIS) is an open access journal published by Andromeda Publishing and Education Services. The articles in JAIS are distributed according to the terms of&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the creative commons license CC-BY 4.0</a>. Under the terms of this license, copyright is retained by the author while use, distribution and reproduction in any medium are permitted provided proper credit is given to original authors and sources.</p> <h2 style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;">Terms of Submission</h2> <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" align="justify">By submitting an article for publication in JAIS, the submitting author asserts that:</p> <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" align="justify">1. The article presents original contributions by the author(s) which have not been published previously in a peer-reviewed medium and are not subject to copyright protection.</p> <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" align="justify">2. The co-authors of the article, if any, as well as any institution whose approval is required, agree to the publication of the article in JAIS.</p> Testing Muography for Subsurface Geophysical Surveys at the Lousal Mine <p>The LouMu collaboration was established between the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental<br>Particle Physics (LIP), the Institute of Earth Sciences (ICT), and the Ciencia Viva Center of Lousal, to create ˆ<br>the conditions for the use of muography as a novel method for subsurface geophysical surveys in Portugal,<br>starting with an end-to-end test at the Lousal Mine. The exploitation of the Lousal Mine, located in the<br>Iberian Pyrite Belt, ended in 1988, and it was then rehabilitated as the core of a science center. An 18-<br>meter-deep gallery was kept accessible, allowing the operation of a muon telescope. Detailed surveys of<br>the gallery and surroundings were done to help establish the muography targets and interpret the first<br>results. In April 2022, the muon telescope was installed at Lousal and soon obtained the image of the<br>first geological target: the Corona geological fault crossing the gallery. The analysis proceeds with the<br>development of the methods for translating these into local density maps and for combined inversion of<br>muography with other datasets. The aim is not only to provide the best knowledge on Lousal, but also to<br>prepare for other geophysical surveys.</p> Sofia Andringa Luis Afonso Isabel Alexandre Pedro Assis Alberto Blanco Mourad Bezzeghoud Jose Borges Bento Caldeira Lorenzo Cazon Joao Costa Paolo Dobrilla Magda Duarte Josue Figueira Ines Hamak Luıs Lopes Joao Matos Rui Oliveira Vanessa Pais Mario Pimenta Joao Saraiva Raul Sarmento Jorge Francisco Silva Pedro Teixeira Bernardo Tome ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 10.31526/jais.2024.484 Plans for Muography of Samail Ophiolite <p style="margin-top: 0in; margin-bottom: 0.21in; line-height: 100%; page-break-inside: avoid; page-break-after: avoid;" align="justify">Oceanic lithosphere cycling produces critical resources for the economy and governs the occurrence of various natural hazards from earthquakes to volcanic eruptions. Only a small portion of the shallow oceanic lithosphere is explored. The physical nature and geological meaning of the upper and lower crust boundaries and Mohoroviˇci´c discontinuity (Moho) between the oceanic crust and mantle are poorly understood. Direct observations of oceanic crust were conducted in two oceanic drilling holes; however, the Moho has not yet been reached. Former Moho transition zones are exposed on land in numerous ophiolites around the world; thus, the ophiolites are a very important clue to understand the correlation between ocean crust-mantle structure and geology. The Samail Ophiolite is the most promising analogue for oceanic lithosphere. We plan to conduct muography of the Samail Ophiolite to understand the density stratification of the oceanic crust to the mantle, which regulates the geological structure of the oceanic crust to mantle. We discuss the scientific background, the simulation studies, and the design of the muographic surveys.</p> László Oláh Susumo Umino Yuki Kusano Tomoaki Morishita Said M Al Musharrafi Ibrahim Al Sawafi Hiroyuki K. M. Tanaka Dezső Varga ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 10.31526/jais.2024.499 Muon tomography of the Physics Department of the University of Coimbra <p>The LouMu is the first project of muography in Portugal, more particularly of transmission muography. It<br>has employed an RPC muon telescope to perform the imaging of a building, the Physics Department of the<br>University of Coimbra, and of a geological structure, the Lousal mine. Regarding the muon tomography of<br>the former, data analysis was already carried out to obtain 2D transmission maps that compare well with<br>simulation and efforts are being made to use these maps to reconstruct 3D images of the University build-<br>ing. In this work, three image reconstruction methods are applied: back-projection, analytical inversion,<br>and iterative reconstruction. While the first two were not successful given the muon telescope’s spatial res-<br>olution and given the type of structures encompassed when imaging a building, the iterative method has<br>led to promising results in simulation and is, now, being applied to real data acquired at the University.</p> Magda Duarte Sofia Andringa Raul Sarmento Alberto Blanco Luís Afonso Isabel Alexandre Pedro Assis Mourad Bezzeghoud José Borges Bento Caldeira Lorenzo Cazon João Costa Paolo Dobrilla Josué Figueira Inês Hamak Luís Lopes João Matos Rui Oliveira Vanessa Pais Mário Pimenta João Saraiva Jorge Francisco Silva Pedro Teixeira Bernardo Tomé ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 10.31526/jais.2024.483 Mapping Water on the Moon and Mars Using a Muon Tomography <p>The search for water on the Lunar and Martian surfaces is a fundamental aspect of space exploration, con-<br>tributing to the understanding of the history and evolution of these celestial bodies. However, the current<br>understanding of the distribution, concentration, origin, and migration of water on these surfaces is lim-<br>ited. Moreover, there is a need for more detailed data on these aspects of Lunar and Martian water. The<br>natural flux of cosmic-ray muons, capable of penetrating the planetary surface, offers a method to study<br>the water-ice content, composition, and density of these surfaces. In this paper, the author presents a novel<br>approach to address these knowledge gaps by employing cosmic-ray muon detectors and backscattered<br>radiation. The study describes a cutting-edge muon tracking system developed by GScan and highlights<br>the results of preliminary simulations conducted using GEANT4. These findings suggest that muon to-<br>mography could be a potential tool for investigating water-ice content on the Lunar and Martian surfaces,<br>pointing to new avenues for space science exploration.</p> Olin Lyod Pinto Jörg Miikael Tiit ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 10.31526/jais.2024.460 Muographic Study of the Palazzone Necropolis (Perugia-Italy) <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The Palazzone Necropolis, located southeast of the hill of Perugia (Italy), is an Etruscan archaeological site<br>open to the public, and well-known thanks to the numerous finds and its (∼)200 tombs from the Hellenistic<br>age and 5 from the Archaic period. The most important tomb is represented by the Volumni Hypogeum.<br>The Palazzone Necropolis is also defined as an archaeogeosite as it has been the subject of geological stud-<br>ies which, through the observation of the walls of the tombs, has made it possible to expand the geological<br>framework for the interpretation of the formation of the Perugia hill. However, in the Palazzone Necrop-<br>olis, the presence of other tombs is not excluded, especially in the eastern area of the archaeological site<br>which is currently not open to visitors. The muography technique, thanks to the great penetrating power of<br>atmospheric muons, fits into this context for the noninvasive identification of undiscovered cavities. This<br>contribution will present the preliminary results of the muographic campaign carried out at the Palazzone<br>Necropolis in which the observation of an entire hill was carried out. The results are also inserted in a<br>geological context for the verification of the densities of the sediments that are present in this territory.</p> </div> </div> </div> Diletta Borselli Tommaso Beni Lorenzo Bonechi Massimo Bongi Roberto Ciaranfi Vitaliano Ciulli Raffaello D'Alessandro Livio Fanò Catalin Frosin Sandro Gonzi Luca Lombardi Laura Melelli Andrea Paccagnella Maria Angela Turchetti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 10.31526/jais.2024.467 Stand-Alone Cosmic-Ray Tomography with Secondary Particles <p>The imaging technique of cosmic-ray tomography is usually based on the measurement of muon transmis-<br>sion and muon scattering within the examined volume. Secondary particles produced from the interaction</p> <p>of air shower particles with the target material have been proven to carry complementary information<br>directly related to the target material properties. However, this additional information has not been fully<br>exploited so far. Previous work by the authors [Analysis of Secondary Particles as a Complement to Muon<br>Scattering Measurements. Instruments 2022, 6] showed a novel approach utilizing only the information<br>from secondary particles to successfully reconstruct and discriminate a variety of materials in the context<br>of shipping container scanning with an optimal detector setup and background-free environment. This</p> <p>work builds on the previous results and methods, taking more realistic detector parameters into consid-<br>eration and investigating their impact on material reconstruction and discrimination. A possible detector</p> <p>setup is discussed, allowing the reconstruction of muons and secondary particle tracks. Three key detector<br>parameters are varied with the aim of validating the approach of the previous work in a more realistic<br>scenario. These parameters are the detection efficiency, the spatial resolution, and the spacing between the<br>detector layers.</p> Maximilian Pérez Prada Sarah Barnes Maurice Stephan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 10.31526/jais.2024.471 A Simulation of a Cosmic Ray Tomography Scanner for Trucks and Shipping Containers <p>The SilentBorder project aims to develop and construct a new high-technology scanner for the identifica-<br>tion of hazardous and illegal goods hidden in trucks and sea containers. The scanner will enable scanning<br>of shipping containers or cargo and is based on muon tomography, a technology that uses natural cosmic<br>ray muons and therefore is inherently safe for people. We report on the development of a simulation and<br>reconstruction framework aimed at optimizing the geometry of the detector and exploring feasibility of<br>CRT in real smuggling scenarios using simulated data. The framework includes GEANT4 modeling of<br>light transport in a scintillating fiber tracker to optimize the geometry and materials used to produce fiber<br>mats. A systematic comparison was made of particle generators such as CRY, MUSIBO, and EcoMug in-<br>terfaced with the GEANT4 toolkit to find the most effective one for modeling real smuggling scenarios.<br>The Point-of-Closest-Approach reconstruction algorithm was used to create 3D images of sea containers<br>or trucks. An analysis of the sensitivity of CRT was performed using simulated synthetic data generated<br>for different smuggling scenarios of contraband of low-Z organic materials and high-Z inorganic mate-<br>rials. Results of our research indicate that by using muon tomography, it would be possible to improve<br>the performance and sensitivity of sea container and cargo screening systems to overcome limitations of<br>traditional screening methods, such as X-ray scanners, when it comes to detecting illicit materials that may<br>be well concealed. CRT can provide a complementary imaging technique that could enhance the detection<br>capabilities of existing systems.</p> Anzori Georgadze Andrea Giammanco Vitaly Kudryavtsev Maxime Lagrange Cenk Turkoglu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 10.31526/jais.2024.482 Latest Developments in Tomographic Research of Underground and Large Structures with Muographic Expertise, TRUST-ME <p>The TRUST-ME project aims at validating a new application of MUon Survey Tomography based on Mi-<br>cromegas detector for Unreachable Sites Technology (MUST2) to address a societal challenge of increasing<br>importance: sustainable water management. This muon tracker, conceived and developed by the Labora-<br>toire souterrain `a bas bruit (LSBB), relies on a Micromegas readout plane with a thin time projection chamber<br>(TPC). A network of new generation muon trackers is being deployed to both survey groundwater in<br>aquifers near the LSBB and enhance the safety and operational efficiency of large structures, such as dams.<br>The resulting compact, high field-of-view detector is able to operate in harsh environments with challeng-<br>ing access and operational conditions. MUST2 is currently being deployed on a double dam system to<br>both characterize the detector and monitor the building and its surroundings. In parallel, the combined<br>use of photogrammetry and LIDAR is tested coupled with muography for the modeling of mid-sized tar-<br>gets. This publication details the upgrade of the MUST2 technology, with its new and improved features.<br>It presents the experimental configuration of the detector in a dam monitoring context, and an example of<br>LIDAR and photogrammetry support for muographic analyses.</p> Clément Risso Ignacio Lázaro Roche ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 10.31526/jais.2024.485 Muon Tomography for Reverification of Spent Fuel Casks (the MUTOMCA Project) <p>The MUTOMCA (MUon TOMography for shielding CAsks) project investigates the suitability of muon<br>tomography for the reverification of spent fuel casks. Spent fuel casks are stored, for decades, in dedicated<br>locations and are under constant surveillance by international agencies through unattended monitoring<br>equipment. In the hypothetical case that these instruments would temporarily fail, thus leading to a loss<br>of Continuity of Knowledge (CoK), a reverification of the spent fuel enclosed in self-shielding casks would<br>be required. The reverification is particularly challenging for conventional nondestructive assay (NDA)<br>methods since thick-walled spent fuel casks considerably attenuate the radiation emitted by the spent fuel.<br>On the other hand, inspectorates need a high degree of assurance on the amounts of nuclear material<br>stored in those casks. With the aim of proving the ability of muon tomography to detect a diversion of fuel<br>assemblies in closed spent fuel casks, an experimental apparatus was designed, developed, constructed,<br>and commissioned. The detectors were used during the first months of 2023, in a field trial at a dry storage<br>facility in Germany to examine CASTOR®V/19 casks. Preliminary results are presented along with the<br>potentials and drawbacks of the experimental apparatus.</p> Germano Bonomi Paolo Andreetto Massimo Benettoni Nicola Bez Lorenzo Castellani Paolo Checchia Enrico Conti Franco Gonella Altea Lorenzon Fabio Montecassiano Gianni Zumerle Matteo Turcato Markus Balling Astrid Jussofie Julia Niedermeier Katharina Aymanns Irmgard Niemeyer Juha Pekkarinen Johan Dackner Marita Mosconi Mentor Murtezi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 10.31526/jais.2024.497 Muon Imaging for Cu-Fe Ore Shoot Identification: Results and Next Challenges <p>Transmission-based muography (TM) is becoming an innovative and nondestructive imaging technique<br>based on the measurement of the cosmic ray muon flux attenuation within matter, allowing the reconstruction<br>of two- or three-dimensional transmission and density polar maps. This paper presents our most<br>recent findings on TM measurements applied to ore shoot prospecting. All measurements and results were<br>obtained during the MIMA-SITES project years of research. The case study was the Temperino mine in the<br>San Silvestro Archaeological and Mining Park (Campiglia Marittima, Italy). Here, several magmatic and<br>metasomatic geological units outcrop. Among them is a Cu-Fe-Zn-Pb(-Ag) sulfide skarn complex primarily<br>composed of hedenbergite and ilvaite minerals.</p> Tommaso Beni Diletta Borselli Lorenzo Bonechi Massimo Bongi Debora Brocchini Roberto Ciaranfi Luigi Cimmino Vitaliano Ciulli Raffaello D'Alessandro Andrea Dini Catalin Frosin Giovanni Gigli Sandro Gonzi Silvia Guideri Luca Lombardi Massimiliano Nocentini Giulio Saracino Nicola Casagli ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 10.31526/jais.2024.468 Simulation Tools, First Results, and Experimental Status of the MURAVES Experiment <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The MUon RAdiography of VESuvius (MURAVES) project aims at the study of Mt. Vesuvius, an active<br>and hazardous volcano near Naples, Italy, with the use of muons freely and abundantly produced by cosmic<br>rays. In particular, the MURAVES experiment intends to perform muographic imaging of the internal<br>structure of the summit of Mt. Vesuvius. The challenging measurement of the rock density distribution in<br>its summit by muography, in conjunction with data from other geophysical techniques, can help model<br>possible eruption dynamics. The MURAVES apparatus consists of an array of three independent and identical<br>muon trackers, with a total sensitive area of 3 square meters. In each tracker, a sequence of 4 XY<br>tracking planes made of plastic scintillators is complemented by a 60 cm thick lead wall inserted between<br>the two downstream planes to improve rejection of background from low-energy muons. The apparatus<br>is currently acquiring data. This paper presents preliminary results from the analysis of the first data samples<br>acquired with trackers pointing toward Mt. Vesuvius, including the first relative measurement of the<br>density projection of two flanks of the volcano at three different altitudes; we also present the workflow of<br>the simulation chain of the MURAVES experiment and its ongoing developments.</p> </div> </div> </div> Andrea Giammanco Marwa Al Moussawi Yanwen Hong Fabio Ambrosino Antonio Anastasio Samip Basnet Lorenzo Bonechi Massimo Bongi Diletta Borselli Alan Bross Antonio Caputo Roberto Ciaranfi Luigi Cimmino Vitaliano Ciulli Raffaello D’Alessandro Mariaelena D’Errico Catalin Frosin Flora Giudicepietro Sandro Gonzi Giovanni Macedonio Vincenzo Masone Massimo Orazi Andrea Paccagnella Rosario Peluso Anna Pla-Dalmau Amrutha Samalan Giulio Saracino Giovanni Scarpato Paolo Strolin Michael Tytgat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 10.31526/jais.2024.501 TomOpt: Muon Tomography experiment optimization <p>The Tomopt software is a tool to optimize the geometrical layout and specifications of detectors designed for muon scattering tomography. Based on differentiable programming techniques, Tomopt consists in a modular pipeline that models all the aspects of a muon tomography task, from the generation and interaction of cosmic ray muons with a parameterized detector and passive material, to the inference on the volume properties. This enables the optimization of the detector parameters via gradient descent, to suggest optimal detector configurations and specifications. This optimisation is subjected to various external constraints such as cost, logistic and material identification efficiency.</p> Maxime Lagrange ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 10.31526/jais.2024.492 The ScIDEP Project at the Egyptian Pyramid of Khafre <p>The ScIDEP (Scintillator Imaging Detector for the Egyptian Pyramids) Collaboration is constructing a new scintillator-based muon telescope to investigate the internal structure of the Pyramid of Khafre at the Giza Plateau in Egypt. This pyramid is only slightly smaller than the Great Pyramid of Khufu, however, its known internal structure seems much simpler compared to the latter and hence raises the question if there are any hidden rooms or structures that have yet to be discovered. The previous and very first muography campaign performed at this pyramid conducted by Alvarez et al. in the 1970s yielded no indications of any hidden structures. The current project aims to install a new muon telescope inside the king’s burial chamber which is located near ground level at the bottom of the pyramid, slightly off-center from the central axis. The base muon detector that has been developed consists of two 61× 61× 2 cm<sup>3</sup> plastic scintillator planes with wavelength shifting fibers embedded in orthogonal orientations in both faces of each scintillator, to retrieve 2D hit information from each plane for muon tracking. The scintillation light is read out by SiPMs connected to each individual fiber. The data-acquisition system is based on commercial CAEN PETIROC ASIC-based digitizer modules. The detector construction is being completed and commissioning of the setup in the lab is currently ongoing. In parallel to the detector commissioning, a detailed simulation package for the full setup is being developed. For the simulation, the cosmic ray spectrum is taken from the CRY generator, while the particle transport through the pyramid and the detector is modelled both in the Geant4 and MCNP simulation packages.</p> Michael Tytgat Shereen Aly Yasser Assran Basma ElMahdy Manar Gamal Adam Hecht Richard T Kouzes Edward Siciliano Jesus Valencia Ayman Mahrous Mohammed N. Yaseen ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 10.31526/jais.2024.470 Direct Dark Matter Searches Using Sodium Iodide Targets: Status and Prospects <p>Thallium-Activated Sodium Iodide (NaI(Tl)) scintillators have been widely used for radiation detection<br>since the middle of the XXth century, being applied, for instance, in nuclear medicine, environmental<br>monitoring, nuclear physics, aerial survey, well logging, homeland security, etc. Among other remarkable features, NaI(Tl) offers a very high intrinsic scintillation light yield and ease of growing large-size<br>crystals. On the other hand, the hygroscopic character of the material complicates the manipulation and<br>requires a tight housing of the detector system preventing humidity from reaching the crystal. Energy<br>ranges from a few keV to several MeV are accessible with state-of-the-art technology, using Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs) for the light readout. These detectors have been successfully applied since the nineties<br>of the XXth century in the direct search for dark matter in the form of hypothetical WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) pervading the galactic halo. WIMPs could explain the galactic dynamics and<br>the 26% of the Universe matter-energy content required to explain the cosmic microwave background<br>radiation anisotropies, and many other cosmological observations, within the standard ΛCDM cosmological model. DAMA/LIBRA experiment, taking data at Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), in Italy,<br>and using NaI(Tl) detectors, has observed for more than twenty years an annual modulation in the detection rate. This modulation shares all the features expected for the galactic dark matter signal. However,<br>no other experiment has observed any hint supporting the interpretation in terms of dark matter particle interactions of the DAMA/LIBRA result, which seems very difficult to reconcile with the plethora of<br>negative results from different experiments (using different targets and techniques). Only very recently,<br>three-sigma sensitivity to DAMA/LIBRA result is at hand using the same target material, NaI(Tl). This<br>allows us to cancel all the signal dependencies on the particle dark matter model and the dark halo model,<br>enabling a model independent evaluation of that result. In this article, experimental efforts using NaI(Tl)<br>detectors aiming at testing the DAMA/LIBRA signal will be briefly revised, as well as the results released,<br>data-taking status, possible systematics affecting this testing, and sensitivity prospects for the near future.<br>Finally, some R&amp;D efforts toward the development of new experimental approaches using either NaI(Tl) or<br>undoped NaI crystals will be revised in the context of the solving of the DAMA/LIBRA puzzle on annual<br>modulation but also moving forward to other possible applications.</p> María Luisa Sarsa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 10.31526/jais.2024.472 Design Challenges for a Future Liquid Xenon Observatory <p class="p1">An ultimate liquid xenon experiment would be limited in its dark matter science reach by irreducible neu-<br>trino backgrounds, which are an exciting signal in their own right. To achieve such sensitivity, other back-<br>grounds that currently plague these detectors must be better mitigated, and extreme care must be taken in<br>the design and construction phases. A 100-tonne xenon target is compelling to search for weakly interact-<br>ing massive particle dark matter and has capabilities to study coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering<br>and search for neutrinoless double-beta decay signatures. Historically, liquid xenon time projection cham-<br>bers have scaled to larger target masses with great success. This paper gives an overview of challenges<br>that need to be met for the next generation of detectors to obtain a kilotonne×year exposure. Such tasks<br>include the procurement and purification of xenon, radiopure, and reliable detector components, sensitive<br>outer detector vetoes, powerful data handling and analyses, and an ability to operate stably for timescales<br>of over a decade.</p> Abigail Kopec ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 10.31526/jais.2024.480 Scintillating low-temperature calorimeters for direct dark matter search <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The lack of an unambiguous signal for thermally produced dark matter particles (e.g. WIMPs) in direct detection, indirect detection and collider searches necessitates broadening the strategy, now reaching from keV/c2 to the TeV/c2 scale. Low-temperature detectors have proven to provide the required performance to extend the experimental efforts to lower DM masses &lt; 1 GeV/c2. Using scintillation light as an ancillary channel is a powerful tool for particle identification and background suppression at the keV-recoil energy scale. The CRESST-III experiment, employing scintillating cryogenic detectors with highly sensitive transition edge sensors and multi-target absorber crystals, achieved unprecedented sensitivities to explore sub-GeV dark matter masses. COSINUS, instead, is a new experiment exploiting the phonon-light technique using sodium iodide crystals with the scope to clarify the long-lasting dark matter claim of the DAMA/LIBRA collaboration. This article reviews the principle of scintillating low-temperature calorimeters with emphasis on the benefits and challenges of this technique for direct dark matter searches in light of the current status and future developments.</p> </div> </div> </div> Margarita Kaznacheeva Karoline Schaeffner, Dr. ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 10.31526/jais.2024.514 Liquid Argon for Direct Dark Matter Detection <p><span class="fontstyle0">The pursuit of understanding dark matter has been fostering innovation in the field of particle detectors,<br>simultaneously pushing the boundaries toward higher sensitivity and exposure. Liquid argon detectors,<br>specifically time projection chambers, hold immense promise due to their capability of measuring both<br>ionization and scintillation signals while taking advantage of the pulse-shape discrimination properties<br>provided by argon scintillation channels. Enhancements in liquid argon purification, reduced radioactivity, and novel photodetectors will allow such detectors to be a dominant technology for next-generation<br>experiments. These advances herald a new era in deciphering the secrets of dark matter, offering potential<br>breakthroughs in our comprehension of the universe’s composition.</span></p> Giuseppe Matteucci Giuliana Fiorillo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-09-28 2024-09-28 10.31526/jais.2024.523